Set from email address

The email setting section allows you to configure how attendee emails are sent.

Note: While you ‘Can’ adjust these settings, many email servers will reject emails that attempt to ‘send’ emails on another addresses behalf. Only change these settings if you understand the risks

Set from email address
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The set from email address allows you to set the ‘from’ email address. This would mean and attendee pin or other emails sent from the ConBop platform would show as ‘from’ this address.

Note: It is recommended to only change this if you know the mail policy, or wish to use a @conbop email address like [company]

Email prefix
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The email prefix option allows you to change how the email reads. Depending on this setting, any place this ‘term’ is used will be replace. By default, the prefix is ConBop

e.g [prefix] attendee pin

From email address for QA Share
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This setting allows you to change the ‘from’ address to an exhibitor / sponsor who ‘scan’ a QR share code.

Email prefix qr share
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This prefix will change the text inside the QR share email exhibitor / sponsors will receive. Changing this can help better brand the emails sent.