Session details

The session details will contain top-level information about your session.

Session title
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The session title is the title of the session and will be displayed in the app.

Video url
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The video URL allows you to add a video to your session. This can be any ‘web accessible’ video URL.

Examples of web accessible URLs would be

Note: ConBop will not transcode video and is not an RTMP relay or streaming service. To stream a video you MUST use a service like youtube live or streamyard to facilitate this action. 

Session date
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The session date is the date the session will be held. This date will be used to group sessions by date.

Session start
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The session start is the start time of the session.

Session end
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The session end is the time the session will end.

Session sponsors
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The session sponsors allows you to select ‘sponsors’ of a session.

When a sponsor is selected, it will be listed in the session. This will also be ‘clickable’ in the session for cross linking.

Session details
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The session details is the main details of the session and should contain information about the session.