
The  ratings section allows you the ability to a star rating to your event, allowing your attendees the ability to ‘rate’ things like session, speakers etc.

Allow anonymous ratings
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The allow anonymous rating option when set to ‘yes’ will allow any users, validated or not the ability to ‘rate’ an item. When set to ‘no’ only validated attendees will be able to rate items.

Rating types
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The rating section allows you configure how ratings for each section will operate

  • Section
  • Add raring
  • Display rating
  • Group access

Section This is the section the rating should display

Add rating The add rating option, when checked will allow attendees to ‘rate’ an item

Display rating The display rating, when selected, will display the rating for a specific item

Group access This option allows you to set a specific group to a rating, when set only the specific attendee group will be able to see or interact with that rating.